If you are a mindfulness teacher or a therapist and want to learn more about the use of the mindfulness approach for people who remain vulnerable to depression, the approach is described in the Second Edition of this classic work by

Zindel V. Segal, J. Mark G. Williams and John D. Teasdale (2013)
Written in a practical and accessible manner, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression describes the eight week programme in detail, and also tells the story of how the authors came to develop MBCT using clinical transcripts that bring the programme to life.
From Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Foreword:
“.. this new, revised and updated edition is nothing short of transformational. As a professional book and as a treatment manual in particular, it sets a new standard of authenticity, fidelity, and relationality, not only in how it is structured, but even more importantly, in how it is voiced – in other words, in its relationship with the reader as well as the subject…
…In reading this new version, appearing ten years after the first edition, I was struck by two things. One was how much exquisite new material has been added, not just in the form of new chapters, but subtle revisions and restructuring of the text itself, refining, amplifying, and strengthening a number of key elements that ten years of experience have made clear are critical to the effective delivery of MBCT in clinical settings, as well as to the understanding of the underlying and very clearly described theoretical framework upon which it rests. The other is that, in going back and forth between the first edition and this one to see exactly what was changed and how, I was deeply moved all over again by how thorough, beautifully developed, and well-argued the first edition was — in a tone at the same time invitational, logical, understated, and modest”.